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Letara was adopted for “Intellectual Property Acceleration Program for Startups”

Updated: Oct 10, 2022

5th August, 2022, Letara was adopted for Japan Patent Office (JPO) project “Intellectual Property Acceleration Program 2022”

IP Acceleration program for Startups(IPAS)

This program will aim to support research and development (R&D)-based startups in developing their IP strategies to assist in accelerating their growth. Under this program, the JPO will create "IP Mentoring Teams" consisting of business experts and IP experts with knowledge and skills specific to each startup's needs. Through a five-month mentoring program, each participating startup and IP Mentoring Team will create and hone a business strategy and develop an IP strategy linked to it. Through this approach, the JPO strongly encourages the participating startups to make strategic use of their IP and accelerate their growth without losing competitiveness.



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